Conquer Wars With Accurate Counters! The MSF Web Bot's Counter command ~c will give you the strategic advantage in every Alliance War. Marvel Strike Force (MSF) is an exciting mobile game that allows players to indulge themselves in the fictional Marvel Universe. X-Tron (X-Men with Ultron in place of Wolverine) is the one that punches up the highest on them for me. It isn't. haven't tried supernatural but if built enough I'd guess they would work. Thursday, Jul 20th. Doc Oc, Electro, Ghost, Ultron, and Mysterio can punch up on them too. Stage 1 – Portable Shield Device. gg discord and go to bot testing you can find the counters for a lot of different war teams. Dont Forget to Like the Video and Subscribe for more MSF ContentHelp Keeping the Lights On by Becoming a Member of the ChannelJoin my Discord for Additional. . 291. SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels). Like instead of having a team and then showing what counters them, I'd be able to look at a team that I have and see who they counter. • 24 days ago. Alliance War unlocks at player level 45 but also requires you to be in a level 20 Alliance. always stun she hulk with Sharon at the start of the match. IW destroys them. Suggestion: Sim All Blitz button. Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, I’ve decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. Use Amazon Coins to save up to 20% on your Marvel Strike Force purchases by using my Affiliate Link!: to hang out with me? You ca. MSF: Gamma counter. Trick is killing NN before she. Edit: Sorry I guess this is more of a Nexus 8-5 question because the trait requirements are Kree, Guardians, and Asgardians. Aggressive_Barber115 • 2 yr. Updated infographic on how to best this dumbass team!Link to the inforgraphic: 101: Defeating Artist of War – Phoenix Gear; SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – The Battles; SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – RNG and Patience; Other. Once rogue is. Alternate that I like is Eternals + Doom + 2 filler, they can also do great against H4H. If your alliance has discord msf. Showing s. Zemo with inhumans, or cable with the zemo team work great. H. My old eyes deceived me. Dark hunters & Weapon x are your safest bet. View Strong and Weak Team Counters with specific Power recommendations. Polaris' passive removes all deflects from the most injured enemy when an X-Factor gets a crit. 8K views 2 years ago Marvel Strike Force (MSF) - War Series: The Best Marauder. So I've spent the last three weeks building out a new concept of the bot. they are pretty easy with most meta teams, you just need to focus there problem charaters, if there team has a mantis and no tank you can use characters like loki, mystique, capt marvel. MSF. You might have to 2 hit them. Stage 3 – Creeping Spiders. Great answer though g 💯👍. Join my Discord by become a member of the channelAnd get access to all kinds of MSF related stuff, requests and conversationsthat are going on thereby pressi. 5. MSF Marvel Strike ForceWar Counter: Initial testing of $i$u on H4H. These selections are highly. Today I'm pleased to share with you the latest All-In-One Team Infographic - Infinity Watch! These take several days to complete, and are only possible thanks to help from Livepool, DancinDirk, and CrAzZy. The world is currently under attack, so it is up to you to collect heroes and. Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, I’ve decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. This type of graphic is better for the content you’ll use them in. 9. 200k punch up long as AB sticks 🤙🏻. Hi guys, I know that there are some teams that can take on iw, while I'm working on iw in the meantime im currently using some teams to counter them. <laughing J Jonah Jameson> 10 [deleted] • 1 yr. Using it for war, it seems it hasn’t been updated since mid- 2020. Scientist supreme comes to mind for NW but I don’t know anyone with her built enough to be able to survive the beginning onslaught. Play MARVEL Strike Force On PC And Mac. . Sinister heals cycle started again. MSF: Changes to Alliance War. However, you have to ensure that you select heroes that can counter the. Example ~c Oc6 600 will pull up Doc Oc sinister 6 team at 600k power and all the counters. ago. Imo, for scourge, thor’s passive and ulti should be t4 essential. Dark Order won’t do squat against Gamma unless they finally give Hangman Page the Dark Order tag. . 4)Doom/$$ . Join my Discord by becoming a member of the channelAnd get access to all kinds of MSF related stuff, requests and conversationsthat are going on thereby pres. For clearing the initial War Saga Heroic, we’ve used Gamma with minimum requirements – all Gamma characters are T15 with average RS, including Red Hulk who is on just 3 RS for this occasion. . The only improvement will be in War Defense, so if you have strong Marauders or if you are using Emma in some other AW defense Mutant Villain synergy, you. any burst team, brawlers, shield. Join my Discord by becoming a member of the channelAnd get access to all kinds of MSF related stuff, requests and conversationsthat are going on thereby pres. Shuri merc is the one with killmonger and shuri along with the usual merc team. New Warriors +/- Eternals in War. There are lots of posts telling you how to counter them too. I show some of. I used Hydra for Villains 7-1 thru 7-3. New Players. If you pair this with a raider iso you can remove deflects from Secret avengers removing a big part of. ago. Emmarauders have long been a strong war team used on defense. In addition, look to Gaming-fans. NW + Deadpool + Surfer. Currently I’m using Eternals + New warriors as an offense team (platinum 1) to counter H4H or other eternals. I prefer to get gambit out of the way tbh… consistent 200-300k punchup. phoenix, iw, ultron, RR, sl at 280 k power can beat over 400 k x-men/ultron. The only way this works is if your Deadpool has the least amount of health (smallest toon). Kinda sad, with Thanos, you could literally use anyone to beat him. MLF also had a 6 turn ability, so we knew that would not affect Rogue being great. aim ist the hard counter atm, the asgardians cannot deal with those debuffs. Every guide on the website is up-to-date and on the point. My. . Kzyeth. Those are great references and I highly suggest them! Intro The Alliance Offense list is a list of the best and most optimal teams used in WAR Offense. gg Has Made A Discord Bot. WAR STORE. Maybe the xmen are an super soft counter. js on the client side, Node. M, Rhino/Sinister 6. To be fair taking out Defenders isnt that hard anymore, there are so many teams that can straight up kill them its safer to put them on Offense against AIM. I’m pretty sure buff heavy teams like defenders and shield work, but I’m not sure. Use Amazon Coins to save up to 20% on your Marvel Strike Force purchases by using my Affiliate Link!: to hang out with me? You ca. It's been asked for, it's time to implement it. gg). I don’t necessarily recommend it myself but you see it a lot. All of them are at level 85, GT14, 7Y/6R, fully maxed abilities. The offensive phase for Alliance Wars in Marvel Strike Force lasts 24 hours. Now, there were some teams I was hoping to beat but could not… Gamma – Honestly, I could barely damage them in an even strength matchup. Hey guys, I have tried a number of counters against dadbros and I have zero success. While I can’t invite you myself, you should be able to quickly get in by visiting the website (msf. . Deepwoodwastaken. The offensive phase for Alliance Wars in Marvel Strike Force lasts 24 hours. I would log in whenever I can just to spend some time here, and not there. Mauraders thrive on positive buffs, and PA uses those against them. Get up to 20% off in-app purchases using my Amazon Coins Affiliate Link MARVEL Strike Force on your PC at 60fps! How to Counter the Mercenary Team in Alliance War and more Rumors ValleyFlyin 41. Personally I use Defenders. Subscribe to Harnzy for amazing MSF content!war/crucible you can cheese the team by sending in 2 t. - Let me know in the Comments what You thought about the Videoand Subscribe for more Marvel Strike Force Content- Help Keeping the Lights On by Becoming a Me. Over the years they've gotten pretty big despite my shifting direction since newer/better teams have landed. Updated on Friday, Jun. ADVERTISEMENT. . The bot uses real data entered by people attacking in war. The problem with this bot is that it draws information from the MSF base and gives you results depending on the winning percentage of teams that were used by players in the game. ago. As a result, the score threshold of what constitutes a typical ‘winning. Heroes for Hire (H4H) is a recent team addition to Marvel Strike Force, and it’s one that’s completely upended the meta game when it comes to Alliance War. Rogue at 2/2 would have made the mutant nodes almost a joke. I was not a meta-chasing player until very recently (Eternals) so my primary team was a high-speed, high-damage young avenger-hero brawler hybrid of Ghost Rider, America Chavez, Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man. Welcome commanders! Today we are talking counters, and many of these will work in Alliance Wars or Cosmic Crucible. As Colleen Wing is the strongest opponent in this battle, you must make sure she dies early and can’t return. Krishnacaitanya • 2 yr. Happy hunting!I run zemo, Hawkeye, yo-yo, crystal and bw and I auto win against symbiots just target av first and hit auto. ” Table of Contents Most Popular AW Defense – Team Counters Updated on Monday, Jul 17th Cosmic Crucible – Team Counters Updated on Wednesday, Jul 5th Characters, ISO-8, t4 priority and more Updated on Friday, Jun 23rd Cosmic Crucible – Defensive Setup MSF: Who Are Heroes for Hire? The Heroes for Hire team brings in Luke Cage and Iron Fist from the Defenders roster. No Gravitron and all the others are low, except Scientist Supreme. Nakia adjacent to Okoye and Black Panther. . Countering infinity watch. . Ultimately i think it turned out to be the right thing for the game. Shadowlands. Xforce can punch up and are the best counter other than the obvious BO. More-Discount-8812 • 22 days ago. Let's talk about the Hero Asgardians. Updated on Friday, Jun 23rd. Enjoy!Check out the War Counter Infographic:you don't need to 2-tap facing pure darkhold. These counters are thoroughly tested which means no toons from this patch are on their. The current infographic doesn't exactly list all the teams that can counter a team either for, I assume, the same reason. ago. It could also use common team name. Welcome back to MSF Mondays! Each week we break down one more aspect of the hottest mobile game, Marvel Strike Force! The last 2 months of WAR have been the most fun aspect of this game for me and I. Asgardian Counters in Alliance War - Marvel Strike Force - Free to Play- Gameplay in Alliance War on Revamped Asgardians - Current effective countermeasures-. As some have said. Find me on my discord server here - Control! Control! Today I bring you guys the key to taking down one of the most underr. MSF Guides. Marvel, Squirrel Girl and Captain Marvel. With the introduction of Hela, Sif, and Heimdall in late 2019 along with the buffs to Thor and Loki, the Asgardians immediately became a roadblock for war. NEW INFOGRAPHIC! War Counters. Pestilence Scourge. Need help countering those pesky times MSF defensive teams in Cosmic Crucible? Gaming-fans. They also pre-empt the arrival of Doc Ock and Electro as well! If in doubt with. War Dogs – Black Panther and Nakia join the team. Posted By: ljcool110 October 18, 2022. But let’s be honest – Shang-Chi is a massive upgrade in comparison. Was the only one I could find at the time. I theory-craft a team that should counter them, but then I am dead before I get a turn. Obviously, Trauma will be a hard counter against Wakanda but even if you try using teams or characters that can place Trauma in CC, its effect will last half as long because the affected character will get +50% Speed. MSF: War Counters April 18, 2023 It is crucial that you have a counter team when you enter the Alliance War in MSF, as this increases your chances of winning the. 0 is the sure win punching across or down. Supernatural can have good luck but you need a strong Mordo to land heal block on Oc, and most Ocs in war defense are 100k or better these days. X2 slow debuffs, preferably aoe/team. Then stun Morgan with Sharon, and keep Agatha above 30% health until you can stun her with sersi. Bigger Gamma, or double tap with Dark Order to get Rulks ult to proc then a meta offense of some sort. I know some people use ultron with defenders as well but I haven’t tried that yet. Hard counters: X-Men, A. Pretty sure it’s Blackbolt. Firstly, I never claimed that this was "the best" Asgardian Counter. Black Order in the hands of the AI is stupid cause you can predict that it will try flip buffs while trauma is active. The Young Avengers have War Defense passives that reduce Assist chance to zero, making Nebula a non-factor in this fight. Some of the best counters to the Heroes for Hire are a team consisting of: Red Skull. 8K views 2 years ago Marvel Strike Force (MSF) - War Series: The Best Marauder. Alliance War Team Counters Info-graphic (OC) I spent a few hours today and made this. I use Emmarauders vs Symbiotes. Just make sure to focus beast. I. Very rare but they hit fast and night nurse gives lots of sustain to them. MSF Counters: How to Beat the Web-Warrior Team TOPICS: Bionic Avengers Deathlok Ghost Spider Hulkbuster Iron Man MGF_JB MSF War Counters. - Zemo with Hydra (use the sorting tool on your roster to see options); Zemo can almost defeat a team by himself. . Since Emma Frost’s addition to the game, she has taken an already strong team of Marauders, led by Mister Sinister, and made them even better. Of course! I like that this one is more general since this team is basically here for doom 3. The offensive phase for Alliance Wars in Marvel Strike Force lasts 24 hours. Id put them with a Captain Marvel and just stick them on a war room and enjoy a defense win or two. TOPICS: Bionic Avengers Deathlok Ghost Spider Hulkbuster Iron Man MGF_JB MSF War Counters Scarlet Spider Spider-Man Spider-Man (Miles) Spider-Punk Vision Viv Vision Web-Warrior. Get them blind keep them blind, Daggers ultimate. 1. I'm guessing SA should handle them pretty well. If you don’t have Shang-Chi unlocked, Jessica Jones is considered a suitable replacement. Supernatural with SS subbed in for mordo or Elsa. Marvel Strike Force. Use Morgan special on Agatha, you need disrupt on Agatha and ab on Morgan and you should win. Hope you guys enjoy the video. I did a match omega red wolverine gambit rogue cable and destroyed a 500k uxmen that just destroyed my 900k infinity watch. I guess it’s true that gamma radiation does fend off the Zombie pathogen.